Registered Agent in Colorado and How to Appoint One for your LLC

Registered agent in Colorado states map Colorado map

If you’re forming an LLC in Colorado, then you’ve doubtless got a long list of (often boring) tasks to complete. At the top of that list is getting a registered agent, a legal requirement that you must meet if you want to avoid penalties for your business or yourself.

The good news is, appointing a registered agent will also save you time and heartache as soon as you complete the task, because they take care of much of your documentation and correspondence for you. If you’re ready to tackle getting a Colorado registered agent, here’s everything you need to know.

The purpose of a registered agent

A registered agent’s purpose is to receive and keep you informed about legal documents, tax forms, official government documents (such as your annual report), and service of process. The latter is an especially important registered agent service, because you need someone on your team who can officially deliver and receive notices of legal action.

In the following sections, we will discuss in more detail what a registered agent is, why you need one, and who can take on the role and its attendant responsibilities. We will also take a look at the main requirements for appointment and the specific Colorado-related rules and regulations on how to do it. Will also mention the different options – DIY (or a friend, someone from the company) or using a registered agent service.

Requirements for a registered agent in Colorado

Because a registered agent fulfills a legal role with the state of Colorado, you cannot appoint just anyone. Although it is understandable to want to choose the person with whom you are most familiar, or perhaps the person on whom you already lean for business advice, there are rules you must follow. Happily, these rules are not difficult to meet.

The state allows you to appoint either an individual or a business as your registered agent. Specifically, your Colorado registered agent must:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a primary residence in Colorado or, if they are a business entity, a usual place of business in Colorado
  • Consent to being your registered agent
  • Not be the Secretary of State of Colorado
  • A single person or entity (no multiple appointees)

The individual or entity does not need to be an official registered agent service, although they can be and there are some benefits of this, discussed below.

How to appoint a registered agent in Colorado?

To remain in good standing with the state of Colorado, you must appoint a registered agent as soon as you file your LLC formation papers. You can then follow these steps:

  1. Choose your registered agent, ensuring that they meet the requirements listed above.
  2. Collect all of the necessary information, which you will find here, to input in the form
  3. Search for your business using the Colorado Secretary of State search tool.
  4. Find the online form for a Change of Registered Agent, which looks like this.
  5. Fill out the form.
  6. Attach the registered agent’s consent to appointment, a typewritten letter providing their information and acceptance.
  7. Pay the $10 filing fee.
  8. Submit the online document.

Currently, it appears as though the Secretary of State uses the same form to appoint a new registered agent as they do to change the registered agent, but make sure to find the most current forms when it comes time to appoint your registered agent, so that you get it right. If you have questions, you can always call the Secretary of State’s office at (303) 894-2200.

Again, you can also use a registered agent service if you find the process too confusing – you’re not alone!

Note: It looks as though the state of Colorado no longer accepts mailed documentation, but requires everything to be submitted online. Follow the above steps and you should be fine.

Cost of a registered agent service in Colorado

Many people wonder at this point what the cost of using a registered agent service is. Although the convenience sounds nice, is the money really worth it?

Everyone differs in their opinion, and how you run your business will weigh heavily into this decision. But for the most part, you will only pay between $100 and $300.00 a year for professional services. When you break that down monthly, it becomes an extremely manageable amount to pay for business peace of mind.

How to change my registered agent in Colorado

Changing your Colorado registered agent or registered agent service is as easy as filing it in the first place. Just follow the steps listed above.

Can I be my own registered agent in Colorado?

Yes, you can be your own Colorado registered agent, so long as you meet the above requirements and are present at your listed address during normal business hours to receive documentation as necessary. That way, you can send and service of process documents as necessary.

If you either don’t meet the requirements or cannot commit to regular business hours (which many people cannot in this online age), then it’s better to appoint a registered agent service to do the job for you.

Do note that your business can also serve as your registered agent in Colorado. It must meet the same requirements regarding age, business hours, and an address in the state.

Benefits of using a Colorado registered agent service

Using a registered agent service can dramatically improve your work and your life by removing the uncertainty associated with legality and documentation, as well as giving you time to simply focus on what you do best. Here are a few of the most important benefits of getting a Colorado registered agent.

Peace of mind

First and foremost, when you use a registered agent service, you get extreme peace of mind. You no longer have to worry about missing important documents, failing to remain in compliance with the state or federal government, overlooking critical deadlines, or losing your good standing with the government or with the public.

Instead, you have more time to deal with your small business … the tasks that really matter to your happiness and bottom line. After all, chances are you didn’t go into business in order to deal with paperwork, but rather to do what you do best, whether that’s hand-knitting sweaters, taking care of people’s animals, or anything else.

Once you have a registered agent, you will sleep better at night knowing that nothing is falling through the cracks.


You might think that appointing a registered agent would be counterproductive for privacy, since that means somebody else will know the ins and outs of your business. However, this is not the case, but rather the opposite.

You see, when you act as your own registered agent, you must list your name and address publicly. If you operate a brick-and-mortar location, this is not a big deal … after all, you are already listed on places such as Yelp and Google. But listing your home address is something many people do not want to do. If that includes you, then hiring a registered agent service can help you avoid that.

Of course, you can use a friend or family member or another business member instead, but then you may run into the same problem: They do not wish to list their address either. Point is, a Colorado registered agent who operates professionally as such can ameliorate this concern.

Compliance with the state law

As already noted, you must have a registered agent to remain in compliance with the state of Colorado. That right there is enough of a reason to get one.

However, there are a number of other ways that a registered agent service helps you remain in compliance with state law. For instance, all businesses must respond to legal documents within a certain time frame. If you fail to do so, this can reduce your standing in court, or in penalties, or delay proceedings in which you have a vested interest.

Less intimidatingly but no less importantly, there is the normal everyday documentation associated with running a business. Colorado requires you to file an annual report stating your business’s activities for the year, including income, taxes, change in company membership, and more. Failing to do so can also result in penalties or even suspension of your business license. Who wants that?


We live in a highly connected world, which is wonderful in many ways. The internet allows people to work from home, become digital nomads, and telecommute as desired. This has given many folks the freedom to work part-time, raise children, or even run multiple businesses at the same time, without the stress of being tied to one location.

Unfortunately, a registered agent is required to be at one location during normal working business hours. If you like to come in late, travel a lot, or work from the nearby coffee shop, being your own registered agent probably isn’t a good fit. Oftentimes, friends and family members feel the same way, which is why businesses choose to hire a professional registered agent.

Reduces paperwork

Many folks hate paperwork. Naturally, there are some professions that are very comfortable with regular paperwork, such as tax or legal firms. The rest, though, tend to avoid it like the plague.

A registered agent service will help you do just that by taking care of the paperwork for you. And since the yearly fee is pretty reasonable (between $100 and $300 a year), a lot of business owners consider this a no-brainer.

A registered agent is a must, but does not Have to be difficult

At the end of the day, it’s up to you whether you wish to use a Colorado registered agent to minimize the hassle of paperwork and the risk of missing something important. Even if you don’t expect to deal with much service of process with your business, the everyday requirements of staying in compliance may still feel overwhelming.

That’s where a registered agent service can help. If you’d like to learn more, we’re happy to chat today.


A Colorado registered agent or registered agent service is an individual or business that accepts legal documents and paperwork from the state on your behalf.

Registered agents are handy to have since they help you deal with legal service of process, annual reports, and other necessary tasks for running a business.

No, but the rules are pretty simple: Your registered agent must be at least 18, have an address in the state, and be available to receive documents during business hours.

Appointing or changing your registered agent is a simple online procedure that is completed as soon as you file.

Appointing a registered agent online requires a $10 filing fee. Paying for a professional registered agent costs around $100 to $300 per year.