File your EIN application and get compliant

Apply for an EIN online in minutes, and get huge benefits like opening a business bank account and shielding your business from potential risks

As recommended by our affiliate partners*

Desk trust

*our affiliate partners may receive financial compensation for their support.

How does an EIN benefit my business?

Essential for opening a business bank account

Most banks will ask for your EIN when applying for a business bank account.

Avoid identity theft

Get an EIN so you don’t give out your SSN, lowering the risk of identity theft.

A must for hiring employees

You will need your EIN to hire employees and pay salaries.

**An EIN can only be obtained online with a SSN

Does my business need an EIN?

Most business entities are required to have an EIN by the IRS. These entities include corporations, partnerships, most LLCs, and some sole proprietorships.

The IRS recommends getting an EIN, because it is essential for opening a business bank account, a must when hiring employees. Plus it can reduce the risk of identity theft.

Get ahead with an EIN

Icon of woman successfully creating an llc

Protect your limited liability status

Strengthen your limited liability status by separating your finances with an EIN.

Important for grants and loans

You can apply for these after you have your EIN.

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