Start Your Wyoming LLC

Set up your LLC without the hassle.
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if your business name is available in Wyoming!

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Benefits of opening an LLC in Wyoming

There are many reasons to form an LLC in Wyoming. Here are the main ones:

Legal protection in case of bankruptcy or lawsuits

Separation of personal and business assets 

Tax benefits: flexibility & pass-through taxation

Increasing credibility and trust for your business

How to form your Wyoming LLC with Tailor Brands

Check if your LLC name is available in Wyoming

Choose a registered agent for your LLC

Sit back and let us take care of the paperwork for you

How to start an LLC in Wyoming in 5 steps

Wyoming was the first state to allow LLCs, and it is one of the best states for forming an LLC now.

Fees are low. You’ll pay only $102 to register your LLC, and the annual fee, for most LLCs, is only $60. You’ll also save a lot on your taxes because Wyoming has no personal or corporate state income tax.

If you like convenience, you’ll love having a Wyoming LLC. Many businesses in Wyoming don’t need a business license. Filing articles of incorporation to form your LLC is simple. And if you already have an LLC in another state, it’s easy to transfer it to Wyoming.

Wyoming is great at protecting the privacy of LLC members. It strongly protects members’ limited liability as well.

You can set up your Wyoming LLC in 5 easy steps:

  1. Name your Alaska LLC
  2. Choose your registered agent
  3. File articles of organization
  4. Create an operating agreement 
  5. Apply for an EIN

Below, you’ll find a detailed explanation to walk you through each step.

Step 1: Name your Wyoming LLC

Every Wyoming LLC must have a name that is different from the names of all other LLCs in Wyoming. The Wyoming Secretary of State has a search tool you can use to see if the name that you want is available. 

When checking to see if your LLC name is unique, you need to ignore certain words, including the various abbreviations meaning “LLC.” For example, if you want to name your LLC “Truly Fantastic Name Limited Liability Company,” and there’s already an LLC in Wyoming named “Truly Fantastic Name LLC,” then your proposed name is not considered unique and you can’t use it.

The same is true if a word in your proposed name is a singular, plural, or possessive form of a word in someone else’s LLC name. So, if you want to name your LLC “River Cafe LLC,” you can’t use the name if there is already an LLC named “Rivers Cafe LLC” or “River’s Cafe LLC.”

Other words to ignore when evaluating uniqueness include “and,” “the,” and “a.” You should also ignore punctuation and spacing. For example, these names are all considered duplicates according to Wyoming’s rules: “Grapefruit Delight LLC,” The Grapefruit Delight LLC,” “A Grapefruit Delight LLC,” and “Grape, Fruit, and Delight LLC.” 

Your Wyoming LLC name must include the words “Limited Liability Corporation” or one of these approved abbreviations or short forms: LLC, L.L.C., LC, L.C., Limited Company, Ltd. Liability Company, Limited Liability Co., or Ltd. Liability Co.

Step 2: Choose a registered agent

When you start a business, you probably don’t expect that your business will be sued. But it could happen, and Wyoming requires that you have someone available to accept service of process if it does.

That person (or business) is called a registered agent. It is absolutely essential that you have a valid registered agent at all times. If you don’t, the state can invalidate your LLC.

The registered agent can be either a person living in Wyoming who is at least 18 years old or a business that is authorized to conduct business in Wyoming. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. A P.O. Box, dropbox, UPS store, or anything else that is not a real physical address doesn’t count.

The registered agent has several responsibilities:

When choosing a registered agent, you may:

Step 3: File articles of organization

You need to file a form called “Articles of Organization” with the state to register your Wyoming LLC. You can provide the required information online or by mail. 

If you haven’t already reserved a name for your LLC, you can provide the name as part of the registration process. You don’t have to do it separately.

Get all your information ready before you start filling out the application. You will need to know:

You will also need:

State fees

The cost to form an LLC in Wyoming is $100, plus an extra $2 convenience fee if you file online. For online filing, you can pay with Visa or MasterCard credit or debit cards.

If you file by mail, you don’t have to pay the convenience fee. When filing by mail, you must pay by check or money order.


You must have a registered agent who has a physical address in Wyoming. The address cannot be a dropbox. You must provide the agent’s mailing address and principal office address when you file. You must also provide your email address.

How to file

You can file online using Wyoming’s online registration system, or you can file a “Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization” form on paper and send it in through the mail.

If filing on paper, print out the form, fill it out completely, and mail the form and a check or money order made out to Wyoming Secretary of State for the $100 filing fee to:

Wyoming Secretary of State
Herschler Building East, Suite 101
122 W 25th Street 
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020

Step 4: Create an operating agreement

An operating agreement is a formal, internal written document that tells how your business will be run. It provides the rules that guide the LLC’s actions and decisions. When signed by all the members of the LLC, it becomes a binding contract.

In Wyoming, you are not legally required to create an operating agreement, but it’s a great idea to have one.

An operating agreement gives you the freedom to choose your own rules for how you will run your business. You get to create the rules that best suit your needs or, in multi-member LLCs, the needs of all of the LLC’s members. If you don’t have an operating agreement, then the operation of your LLC is governed by the default rules of the state, and you lose the chance to tailor the rules to your needs.

An operating agreement is especially important for a multi-member LLC. The agreement should cover all aspects of the conduct of your business. Having a written, binding document to refer to will go a long way to prevent disputes and misunderstandings between the members.

A good operating agreement covers all the essential aspects of operating your business. These may include:

By having all of these issues worked out in advance, agreed upon, and put into writing, you help prevent problems between the members down the road, including potential lawsuits.

An operating agreement is also a good idea for a single-member LLC. Like having a separate bank account for your business, having an operating agreement helps strengthen the separation between you as an individual and your business. The more you and your business are perceived as truly separate, the better protected you are from personal liability for actions against the LLC. 

Step 5: Apply for an EIN

An EIN is an Employer Identification Number, sometimes also called a Federal Tax Identification Number. It’s what businesses use instead of Social Security numbers when filing their tax returns.

The IRS requires that an LLC have an EIN, with some exceptions for LLCs that have only one member, no employees, and are not taxed as corporations. 

Even if you are not required to have an EIN for your LLC, it’s a good idea to get one. The benefits include:

You can apply for an EIN online, by mail, or by fax. 

To apply for an EIN online, use the Internet EIN application. Try to have enough time to complete the application in one sitting without taking a long break. If you’re inactive in the middle of a session for 15 minutes, the session will expire, and you will have to start over. 

You can use the Internet EIN application only between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday through Friday. When your application is validated, you will get your EIN immediately.

To apply for an EIN by mail, fill out Form SS-4 “Application for Employer Identification Number.” You can print out the form and fill it out manually, or you can type the information into the PDF online and then print it out. Mail the form to:

Internal Revenue Service
Attn: EIN Operation
Cincinnati, OH 45999
You will get your EIN in the mail in about four weeks.

To apply for an EIN by fax, you fax a completed Form SS-4 to (855) 641-6935. You should get your EIN faxed back to you within four days.

If you use Tailor Brands to form your LLC, we will get your EIN for you. That’s one less thing to worry about!

Wyoming LLC Formation: The Basics

This step-by-step guide details the steps you need to  name your Wyoming LLC properly by searching if it is unique.

There are different costs to form an LLC in Wyoming and maintain it. We’ve listed all of them in this post.

Appointing registered agent is a mandatory step in your LLC formation process in Wyoming – learn more about it.

This post details which licenses and permits your Wyoming LLC may require and how to obtain them.

Why is Tailor Brands the Best LLC Service in WY

We love helping people start their business. We take care of the LLC filing and offer additional services so you can focus on launching and growing your business, while remaining compliant with state regulations.

Here’s why people choose to form their LLC with us:

Easy and intuitive

Our products are user friendly, all you need to do is answer a few questions about your business and let us take care of all the rest.

Friendly dashboard

Our platform is easy to use and is optimally designed to guide you through your LLC formation process and business journey.

Additional services

We offer more products to help you set and manage your business like registered agent, business licenses, and annual report.

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Form a Wyoming LLC, Hassle-Free

This portion of our website is for informational purposes only. Tailor Brands is not a law firm, and none of the information on this website constitutes or is intended to convey legal advice. All statements, opinions, recommendations, and conclusions are solely the expression of the author and provided on an as-is basis. Accordingly, Tailor Brands is not responsible for the information and/or its accuracy or completeness.