Growing your business just got easier

Follow the steps, grow your account, Create a video promoting TailorBrands and get the chance to win some amazing prizes from us (Free membership, Amazon gift card, featured post and so much more)

Join our mailing list to get exclusive content

(webinars, tips & marketing assets)

How does it work?

1. Sign up to our program

2. Create cool videos about your business and mention us

3. Promote and tag @Tailor Brands and win awesom e prizes!

Win amazing prizes!

1. We’ll boost your video and expose you to a wider audience!

2. $250 Amazon gift card

* The four most viewed videos will receive 

3. A free LLC

4. Free membership

What should your video look like?

TikTok Basics

    •  Keep it short (15-20 sec)
    •  Good Lighting (LED or Tik Tok lights would do the trick – you can buy something simple from Aliexpress or amazon – try using colors to keep it fun!) You can also try using natural light (just go outside).
    •  Go to your Camera settings and change it to 4K at 30 FPS
    •  Use the correct Tiktok dimensions (1080×1920 – aspect ratio is 9:16)


Content Ideas

  • Share your experiences (being a business owner is not a walk in the park)
  • Film a day in your life (you can cut it into multiple short clips and post them throughout the weekend)
  • Share your product/services (you could film the work/creation process)

When You Post

  • Keep it consistent – every day or 3 times a week (same days)
  •  Repurpose your videos (Post the same video on Tiktok, Instagram & Pinterest)
  •  Add a link in bio that leads to your websites and showcases your brand and assets
  •  Use trending music

In your Tailor Brands video

  •  Show your face
  •  Keep it snappy 15-30 sec
  •  Use copyright free trending music (you  can take it from here!)
  •  Show the studio, our offerings and your brand!

Expose your biz to potential clients

  •  Find creators like you and creators that you like
  •  Follow the creators & build a relationship with them
  •  Comment on their posts and expose their audiences to you and your offers and promotions

Join our mailing list to get exclusive content

(webinars, tips & marketing assets)